Forum for Turn-Based Go Servers

New turn based Go server - Request for comments [#1313]

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AdamMarquis: New turn based Go server - Request for comments (2008-03-05 00:22) [#4468]

As a personal project, I've been working on what I hoped would become the Dragon Go Server of Shogi. I like Dragon's model of a very simple interface and system, and am implementing something similar for Shogi.

What does this have to do with the price of fish? While working on Shogi, it occured to me that I'd built the server to extend easily to Chess and Chinese Chess. At THAT point I wondered, why not put my favorite game on here too?

Certainly, I'm not proposing a replacement for DGS, because it is extremely good. I'm thinking more of a replacement for It's YourT urn and the like, for those people who wish to play other kinds of games in addition to go.

I'm planning the following features ready "out of the box:"

Simple HTML Interface for playing Go, Shogi, Chess, and Chinese Chess, including the standard trappings like messages, waiting room, etc.

Clocks, similar options as found at DGS


Tournaments, similar to the It's Your Turn style

Ladders, ditto

Problems. I've created an html-based style interface for Shogi problems already, but it can easily be extended to Go and others.

So, on to my question: What kinds of features would the folks here want in a game server, Go-specific or otherwise?

Edit: I'm going to post this over at my home node, so as not to clutter up this discussion page.

reply sgf upload (2008-03-31 16:30) [#4573]

Feature idea: the ability to upload a (forged) sgf file and to resume play from there. (This would be very useful to finish online some unfinished OTB games). Gyom

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