Forum for Nick Sibicky

how many Go videos does Nick have? [#12570]

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bugcat: how many Go videos does Nick have? (2022-07-20 13:30) [#12107]

Nick currently has 479 Go lectures. But some of the early lectures are multi-part.

7 is two parts. #9 is three parts. #10 is four parts. #11 is three parts. #12 is two parts.

45 was apparently taken down.

There's also: the US Go Congress 2013 video. The "Go NON lecture". "Please help the AGA (etc.)". "Just some quick stuff". The six videos in the 2015 US Go Congress Diary series. The Seattle Go centre video. "Nick Sibicky returns!". "Go Baby". "2017 US Open Quick Peak!" The four videos in the Cool Thing at US Go Congress series. The three videos in the 2018 Go Congress series. "New Music!... for Go?". His two Go comedy sketches. And finally the 2022 US Go Congress.

479 lectures. 9 extra parts. 25 unnumbered Go videos. 1 lecture missing.

(479 + 25 + 9) - 1 = 512.

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