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Khronos90: Looking for help (2007-12-12 01:32) [#4124]

Hi I found about Go thanks to a friend who told me about it, and then I search too learn about it in the net. But I find out there is no game in which AI is good.

The other problem I have is that im from Uruguay, and for now, I don't know about any club here where to play.

So I was looking for some way of playing Go, I mean, learn Go from zero, in the net.

Thx :D

char: Reply to Khronos90. (2007-12-12 01:51) [#4125]

You are at the right place, here's the place to learn everything about go =)

If you are starting from "zero", my suggestion is go to WhatIsGo page to learn about the the rules and some basic concepts.

If you are looking for a place to play go online, there are several go servers, but my recommendation would be KGSGoServer, just because I like their interface and how people actually talks and helps the beginners.

Khronos90: reply (2007-12-12 01:58) [#4126]

Aw thank you very much! I was just reading the basics at senseis library as you said :D. Now Im going to try it at KGS, thank u again!

char: more reply (2007-12-12 02:01) [#4127]

Also.. my personal favorite introduction to go for the beginners would be these video's [ext] here on you tube.

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