Forum for xiangqi

Onine Xiangqi Site has Virus [#1124]

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reply Onine Xiangqi Site has Virus (2007-08-26 00:36) [#3841]

Upon attempting to log into the Xiangqi site, with a guest account, my browser crashed and Norton Antivirus revealed that it had detected a virus attempting to infiltrate the system.

In my opinion, this wiki has no right to direct people to such a site (where there's a risk like that).

What if I hadn't had Norton? What if someone has major problems because of this?

If an alternate online Xiangqi site can be found, that would definitively quell any complaints.

Thank you very much, and please don't put that up there again.

tealeaf: Re: Onine Xiangqi Site has Virus (2007-08-26 11:38) [#3844]

I have been using the ClubXiangQi? site for quite a while, although not very regularly. I have never had a problem with it. To be sure, I just checked and am reasonably sure that there isn't a virus being served from the site. There are certainly plenty of users there, and I'm sure that it would have been noticed before.

It's possible that your system crashed for another reason, and Norton falsely identified the cause as a virus. These false positives do happen.

I suggest that you contact the site's administrators with details of what happened, and they might be able to advise you further.

For the moment, I've reverted the page back to displaying the link.

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