1. BadukMovies (badukmovies.com) is not responding, saying that it's under heavy load. That's fine, but if still says that in a week then the link will need to be addressed.
2. The original Audio Go Lessons at audiogolessons.com have long since been merged into Guo Juan's Internet Go School at internetgoschool.com, which is a paywalled site. Note also that they're no longer at the page internetgoschool.com/audio.vhtml as the Audio Go Lessons article says, although a redirect is in place.
3. The link to mignon.ddo.jp/assembly/mignon/go_meikyoku.html is dead. I'll check the Internet Archive.
4. The link to gogameworld.com/gophp/pg_famousgames.php is dead, although the site is still standing. I'll check the site and then the archive.
5. My Friday Night Files has moved from xs4all.nl/~rongen17/Cho/Site/index.html to a different page on the same site, rongen17.home.xs4all.nl/Cho/Site/index.html -- a redirect is in place.
6. As far as I can tell, the link collection britgo.org/gopcres/gopcres1.html doesn't contain a link to any professional game database, meaning that it doesn't "offer studying professional games". It does link to SGF viewers, but that's a different thing. I'm in favour of removing this link. The original link, btw, has an obscure slug #s-data which has no obvious purpose.
7. The link to Antti's guide, gooften.net/essays/tens-guide-to-studying-professional-games is dead, since he abandoned the site. At least some of his work has been moved to the Nordic Go Dojo site at nordicgodojo.eu -- I'll also check the Internet Archive if necessary.
8. Waltheri (ps.waltheri.net) should be added.
Oh, and
9. Igo Kisen has moved from igokisen.web.fc2.com to gotoeveryone.k2ss.info -- it also seems to have been renamed to Go to Everyone!
10. I notice that baduk4all.com was on the page from 2009 to 2014, when it was deleted, presumably for going dead. I'll look for it in the Archive.
11. In 2006, osirogo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/index2.htm was put up and later removed, again likely due to rotting away. Again, I'll make an Archive check.
12. Are we to understand that Arno's mysterious "de Groot ban" of 2006 prohibits archiving the link moyogo.com/FreeProGames?.htm?