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Gentle Way [#1101]

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reply Gentle Way (2007-08-09 01:22) [#3776]

I searched but was unable to find an answer to my question. Perhaps someone can help. Often times in game commentaries you see a variation with an explanation of simply "This would be the gentle way" This usually comes with no explanation as to why that paticular move is better. Beyond not starting a fight, is there additional meaning to the terms "Peacefull" or "Gentle Way"?

Calvin: Re: Gentle Way (2007-08-09 01:34) [#3777]

Alexander Dinerstein 1p sometimes uses a term a like that, as do others. The context is usually not to state that the variation shown is better or worse, but that it would lead to a different game with less fighting in the local position. If the gentle way is actually worse in a given position, the commentator might say something like "this variation would be slack" or "too soft" instead.

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