Tapir. Your number of pro's by rank adds up to 110, which doesn't match the 115 total you give. Also, what does the (+7) mean? Finally, perhaps a link to the page you got your information from would be helpful.
Thanks for providing this information, though.
Actually, I don't know Japanese myself. And would appreciate stuff like this... you know.
The general information with the number of players = 121 http://www.kansaikiin.jp/info/main.html
The player profiles are here - in total 122, 115 in the main branch, 7 in a separate branch (as the Nihon Ki-in has a Nagoya branch e.g.) Maybe there is an unaccounted retirement/death on this page changing the overall number to 122 instead of 121 on the other page. The numbers I gave were the players of the main branch with a mistake in the number of the 6 dans (i wrote 12 instead of 17. http://www.kansaikiin.jp/profile/index_n1.html