



This is the best result for black: one-step ko for white and four-step ko for black.


If B10 tries to make life for the black group, W11 takes away both black eyes.


Another variation after W5. With W9 white avoids the ko and wins the capturing race with 5 liberties vs. 3.

This last variation shouldn't exist. First, instead of W9 at 1-1, to the left of W5 instead kills black simply while leaving no black ko threats. However, white need not play W9 locally at all; even if black got to play to the left of W5, white would take a liberty in the corner, and black would have no other move but throw a stone in at 1-1, which would create a three-move approach ko, practically meaning death for black.

I agreed, W9 played at the left of W5 is better than at 1-1. I have made the change. However, when providing a solution to a life-and-death problem, a result that avoids ko, no matter how many steps, is always preferable over ko. So I think a move does need to be played locally by white.

XuanxuanQijingProblem98/Solution last edited by on July 18, 2014 - 07:18
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