Xuanxuan Qijing Problem 347 / Attempts

P7A77: I think I have it...

The setup...  

Hmm, looking at it now, W10 is misplaced. White at a seems to kill. Difficult problem!

...and execution.  

Shaydwyrm: P7A77's solution left black short one liberty, so in an attempt to preserve that liberty:

Play on the point of symmetry  

B1 plays on the point of symmetry. W2 or a, taking away a liberty, is the best response I can find - the sequence from B3 can be played on whichever side white does not respond. Playing at B1 first allows black to avoid pushing out on both sides, which loses liberties.


Alex: This is what I was going to say, and I think it's correct. Few people would find this sort of tesuji in an actual game, but it's kind of obvious as a problem, since you know that a) it wouldn't be much of a problem if simply pushing out would work, b) it's a problem, so there must be a solution, and c) there really isn't anything else to consider.

Unless someone can refute this, I think it can be moved to the solutions page.

Xuanxuan Qijing Problem 347 / Attempts last edited by shevious on July 20, 2009 - 13:55
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