Xuanxuan Qijing Problem 288 / Attempts


Classic timing question

if White playes here...  

tderz: just arrived here via the thumbnails!
Which are great.
This problem comprises a timing aspect.
If White ever wanted to play here, she has to play W1 now,
i.e. before an A-B exchange.
Not claiming that this is the start of a correct solution.

if White playes here...  

tderz: if White thus already had exchanged white+circle for black+circle,
and then played W3, Black's natural answer B4 would ensure life for Black and kill White's marked stones.

the theme-idea is...  

tderz: the idea would be that after W5, if Black A, then b-c-damezumari.
However, this is flawed, as Black will never reply to W5 by A, rather live directly with D.

Inside hane

exchange - inside hane  

tderz: Let's investigate this exchange.
What's possible frome here on?


tderz: W3-B4 will not harm and suddenly W5 looks like a vital point
which only has to be verified for liberties.


tderz: White has stunning 7 liberties, which is a lot! One can do a lot in the meantime ...


tderz: if B2, then surprisingly W3 works and Black has only 4 liberties.
This path seems OK.


tderz: if B2 here, White cuts at W3 , Black cannot atari at B,
and the two corner stones provide the 2nd eye ..

Other, stronger resistances


kb: If B2...


kb: ...W has a beautiful tesuji at W5 to capture the corner stones.

Resistance and tesuji.  

unkx80: For a while, I was trying to figure out what happens when Black resists with B2 and B4. But W5 is a tesuji that works for this problem despite the cutting point at B6.

tderz: whow! B2 and W5 are really strong moves, as is kb's W5 above.

Outside hane

exchange - outside hane  

tderz: For completeness: the outside hane is the weakest line of response.
White can now play A or B and win by 7 to 3+sente liberties.

Xuanxuan Qijing Problem 288 / Attempts last edited by tderz on May 25, 2008 - 01:10
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