University of Toronto Go Club

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University of Toronto (UofT) Go Club Logo

General Information:

UTGC is the official Baduk/Igo/Weiqi club at the University of Toronto (UofT) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are the largest and most active club in the Greater Toronto Area. Our club focuses on teaching games and reviews, as well as offering a casual and accommodating atmosphere for members to play and enjoy themselves.

Attendance is free of charge and equipment is provided by the club. Players of all skill levels are welcome to attend. You may wish to message the club if you will be attending for the first time.

Please note that the website is not always up to date. The most reliable source of meeting information is the Facebook group, which is regularly updated with announcements. You may also wish to send an e-mail, though there is a chance it may be missed.

[ext] University of Toronto Go Club Website

Facebook: [ext] University of Toronto Go Club

Discord:[ext] U of T Go Club

KGS: Rooms -> Room List -> Clubs -> University of Toronto Go Club


Meeting Information:

Location: (Typically) [ext] Galbraith Building. Please see announcements for current meeting information. Also, doors to the building are locked by 6-7 pm so plan to arrive early.

Times: Friday evenings from 5-9pm.


Students, Alumni, Faculty and community members of all strengths are eligible to join the club. There is no charge for membership. Membership is not mandatory, though it is recommended if you intend to come out often.

Notable Happenings (in the academic year):



  • Club members organized a trip to the beach/park. BBQ and Go!
  • A number of club members attended the Canadian premiere of The Surrounding Game and met with Director Will Lockhart
  • Took 2nd Place in both A and B divisions of the 6th Collegiate Go League Championship hosted by the ACGA
  • Hosted our [ext] second tournament, open to the public, in March 2017. 39 players took part.
  • Qiyou Wu (CGA 6d) from our club was the Canadian representative at the [ext] 15th World Students GO OZA Championship


  • Sent a delegation of players to third annual World Collegiate Weichi Championship organized by the [ext] Ing Foundation
  • With the Toronto Go Club, welcomed a delegation of players from the Kanazawa Go Association
  • Took 2nd Place in the 5th Collegiate Go League Championship hosted by the ACGA
  • Hosted our [ext] first tournament, open to the public, in March 2016. 44 players took part.



  • Took 1st Place in the 3rd Collegiate Go League Championship hosted by the ACGA



  • Attended the CGA Open Go Tournament
  • Attended the Waterloo Open Go Tournament
  • UTGC recognized as an official student group by the University of Toronto Student Union (UTSU)

See also Greater Toronto Go

University of Toronto Go Club last edited by Dieter on August 4, 2023 - 13:43
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