After , there seem to be several continuations; in the most direct, and capture five black stones...
Well, excuse me! You are right, of course. My doesn't work because leads to ko (and costs Black four extra stones)!
After , if White captures Black's square with and , forms two eyes. Note that White cannot subsequently play at a!
unkx80: Although White cannot play at a, there is also the move at to consider. I leave it to you to figure what is the result.
OK! Black's shortage of liberties comes into play, and Black must play at A, resulting in a ko fight!
Black can also take White's stone, or play at B, but the ko can't be avoided.
unkx80: No... Black still can live unconditionally. Refer to some of the other solution diagrams to figure out how.
Kuolema: I can't see how can black live unconditionally, any way I look at it, it leads to a ko. (Unless black wants to kill himself)
unkx80: Eh... my mistake. Sorry. =P