Two Square Game analysis
On this page I will try to use my Two Squares method to analyse an actual game. The game was played with Ah-Q-Go in battle mode, with 1 second thinking time each.
The first square that maybe can be recognized is already coming at move 5
With White and White , Black now has a choice to make a small corner, with something like the Two Squares displayed, or sacrifice the corner for outside influence.
White could also have played a or b instead of .
The corner would be too small, so Black sacrifice it, and get a nice ponuki, where as White get a rectangle round Blacks two stones. Blacks ponuki is very solid, because it is difficult for White to get two corner position occupied. White has one corner () of the Black square, but right it is not a good time to try to take the only other completely free () corner without getting punished for it. Playing on any of the two other corners () would simply be captured. Black is confident with his ponuki and instead playes the enclosure in the upper left corner.
Black could have selected among a lot of different spots also ().
White prevents Black from getting a square to the right (), but with Black 21 Black makes one to the left instead (). Black 19 and White 20 is the same concept. White protects his by making a rectangle base with
Black tries to create a square on the side with 23, and White defends his rectangle with 24, but the figures are too loose and open to be called settled.
Black can choose between 2 different solutions (), taking the square () or taken the rectangle ( )
In this variation Black choose to take the corner. White plays a series of forcing move ending with White 34, with Black has to answer, and he does that with Black 35. Black ends up with a corner that has plenty of squares and rectangle forms. A particular square form to notice is the one at the 1-1 point of the board.
Next White 36 makes a potential base on the side of the board, and Black 37 moves out to avoid being boxed in. White 38 attacks the Black formation by preventing the formation of a square around (), and at the same time creating the foundation for a square for him self (). Next White also have the opportunity to extend to (), and make the square (), on the second line into a square that requires 2 connections to some other square or squares. And the 2 connection must be over 2 different side stones. Black is somewhat connect to the centre, but the only other side stone that could connect to another square is (). So if White plays (), Black must play () to make connection to another square () on the first line. If Black occupies that spot (), at some point, then the square on the second line only need 1 connection to 1 other square, to form life for his group. Black's group is however still strong, because he still has the magic move (), that will make him move out into the centre, and threaten to take Whites corner , if White does not answer (correct)