
Sub-page of TsumegoFromGames114
Black to live.  

Tapir: After 1,2,3 the circled points are miai. One makes an eye in sente and a second at c later, the second cuts and capture. Nice problem. Looks very dead at first sight. But this doesn't work with W2 at B3. Very sad.

Black to live.  

Like this White can try d, e, f

White at d, miai for connect out or capture.  
White at e, miai for capture.  
White at f, White short of liberties, very miai for everything (connect, capture and or eye)  
White at f, follow-up, B9 takes two stones, W10 takes back  

Black has its first eye (circled point) and makes second one at c

fractic: Correct. I more or less stumbled on this during the game. In the game white+square wasn't there so I could have lived more easily.

tapir: If I read correct in all sequences black may even tenuki at some point (after B5 or B7 respectively) and still get a ko.

fractic: Do you mean tenuki after W6 resp W8? Could you show what mean exactly?

tapir: Yes. In the first two sequences ko is where B5 is played in the last one (main line?). In the main line simple double atari.

fractic: I see. I was just confused about when exactly you wanted to play tenuki.

TsumegoFromGames114/Attempts last edited by fractic on January 4, 2009 - 01:34
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