30th- Played a game on KGS against a 22k. I gave three stones handicap. As soon as I played my first stone at 4-4, my opponent attached to it and started a fight. I learned the value of staying connected while the other guy blocks and blocks and blocks . They just separate themselves, and I can later cut them to pieces at my leisure. Then they got caught in a ladder that they insisted on playing out to the end, and resigned.
That evening I went to the Victorian Go Club and played against another beginner, who I'd never seen there before. I hadn't been there for a few weeks. It was a remarkably peaceful game; there were no proper fights or even a capture until about move 200, when I overlooked an atari on two of my stones. I built a huge territory on three sides and won by a big margin. Later, one of the strong players there walked me through some josekis and opening strategies and I think that will help me a lot.
31st- Tried 30m to get a game 19x19 on KGS without success. I ended up playing a 9x9 against someone who claimed to be 30k but was clearly stronger. I played overambitiously, got cut, got killed. Oh well, live and learn. My fighting needs work anyway.