problem: Black just cut at
seals in.
seals in.
tderz: with
cannot seals in, but
moves out in sente, threatening a.
Black could only block at b if
- the ladders to x or y are good (for capturin black a)
- but black would simply hane c (threatening double atari a) , white defends (e.g. d) black captures with e and white cannot cut and seal with f.
- hence,
, directly white a, black e white c looks better, but also has weaknesses after Bb-Wd-Bg-Wh- black i or f.
- ...Bi-Wf-Bk-Wl-Bm (double treat)
Concluding: with
present, this tactic does not work. Black has to take gote or a large loss.