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'Tarka' is an actor from London, real name Francis Moore.

I learned Go from my dad (who played it at university in the 1960's) when I was about 16. We had been playing chess together ever since I was a toddler. As soon as I realized the depth of Go in comparison to chess, I became very annoyed that I was 16 before he showed it to me. If he'd played it with me as a tot instead of chess, I'd be 9p by now ^^.

Seriously though, I've been stuck on about 8kyu for a couple of years and am finding it hard to make progress, mainly because a hectic lifestyle often results in finding it hard to find the time to play and study Go for long periods.

I am active participant at the Central London Go Club and the South London Go Club.

'Tarka' is the name of a fictional otter in a children's story 'Tarka the Otter'. II can't remember why I chose it as my name, but I always liked the story, and I like otters.

News Update: my son (and future Meijin) Alexis was born on the 20th of February this year (2010). Another big impulse to reach Shodan before I begin to teach him in a few years!

Herman: Congratulations!

Tarka last edited by HermanHiddema on February 22, 2010 - 16:41
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