Shogo (version 2)


Shogo is a Go variant. It features a novel mechanism that removes all cycles without resorting to the superko rule.

Captured stones are placed in a box next to the board. Capturing placements that cause the box to hold more than n stones of the same color are illegal.

When you make a non-capturing placement, if there are any stones of your color in the box, the stone you place must be a stone you have just taken from the box. Stones from the box are never used for capturing placements.

Area scoring, the button and the basic ko rule are used. Suicide is not allowed.

In a more radical implementation of this idea, the ko rule is not used and a move proceeds by placing a stone on the board, placing in the box all enemy stones in strings without liberties and placing in the box all friendly stones in strings that remain without liberties, in that order. Suicide of one or more stones is allowed and counts as a capturing placement. Removed friendly stones are also added to the box.

Luis Bolaņos Mures designed Shogo in February, 2021.

Shogo (version 2) last edited by luigi87 on February 25, 2021 - 04:22
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