Round Down Timing

    Keywords: Tournament


Round Down Timing is the time system where

  • one gets several time periods of same size,
  • after each N-th move time used for the last N moves only deducts as many periods as fit into this time (possibly none),
  • and counting seconds is done when one's number of periods is equal or less than a certain number.


|---|---|---|---|  periods before
|---------|        time for N moves
        |---|---|  periods after


This system generalizes

With only a plain clock, Round Down has to be emulated -- see below.


The player gets

  • one period,
  • N stones,
  • and P - 1 coins (P periods in all).

If the player runs out of time and has no coin:

  • the player loses on time.

If the player runs out of time with at least one coin:

  • the opponent stops both clocks,
  • the player pays one coin,
  • the opponent puts one period on the player's clock,
  • they check,
  • and the opponent starts the player's clock again.

If the player runs out of stones:

  • the player stops both clocks,
  • the opponent puts one period on the player's clock,
  • the player counts out N stones,
  • they check,
  • and the player starts the opponent's clock.


3 moves ("stones") in 3 minutes, 2 periods ("lifes").

  #   Lifes  Time  Stones  Used
  1     1    3:00    3     0:20
  2     1    2:40    2     0:50
  3     1    1:50    1     0:50
  4     1    3:00    3     1:10
  5a    1    1:50    2     1:50
  5b    0    3:00    2     1:40
  6     0    1:20    1     0:30
  7     0    3:00    3     3:00
  8     0    0:00          lost

(The second life was on the clock.)

Round Down Timing last edited by axd on November 18, 2009 - 22:25
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