Redmond Cup

    Keywords: Tournament

The Redmond Cup, founded by Michael Redmond, is an invitational North American youth Go championship, held at the U.S. Go Congress each year. For years, winners qualified to play in the World Youth Goe Championship. However, the timing was awkward since the USGC occurs a few weeks before the WYGC, so each year's winners played for the US the following year. In 2006 The [ext] US Youth Go Championship was created to select the WYGC reps in a more timely way. The Redmond continues, sponsored by [ext] The American Go Foundation; finalists in the Junior and Senior divisions win a free trip to the Congress to play for the title.

Players: Preliminary rounds of the championship are played on the Internet courtesy of the Internet Go Server (IGS) to determine finalists. The finalists will then play in a multi-round final to select contenders in the Junior and Senior divisions, who then play for the title at the US Go Congress.

Redmond Cup last edited by on January 29, 2011 - 14:17
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