Ranking The Big Opening Moves

    Keywords: Opening

From Yang Yilun's Fundamental Principles of Go

Class One

Play in an empty corner

Class Two

  1. Approach/enclose a 3-4, 5-3, or 5-4 corner
  2. Play the midpoint of a side where there are 2 shimaris optimally facing each other. This is called "good development potential". The other "good development potential" is a 4-4 stone, which also has the urge to extend a midpoint. The colors involved in good development potential do not matter (so much).
  3. Start a fight (joseki) in a corner

Class Three

  1. Play the midpoint of a side where one player (either) has good development potential
  2. Make an extension which simultaneously strengthens you and weakens your opponent
  3. Approach/enclose a 3-3 corner
  4. Approach/enclose a 4-4 corner

Class Four

  1. Play midpoint where neither side has good development potential
  2. Make a 3rd enclosure move in a 4-4 corner or reduce an enclosed 4-4 stone corner
  3. Make any remaining 2 or 3-space extension


All moves of the same class are equally important and "bigness" comes into play if only moves of the same class are available.

Shuko gives a slightly different ranking in Reducing Territorial Frameworks:
1) empty corners
2) enclosures / approaches (equal value)
3) extensions
4) checking extensions (tsume)
5) jumps / erasures (keshi) (equal value)

Ranking The Big Opening Moves last edited by tapir on September 21, 2014 - 19:29
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