Progressive Go
A Go variant inspired by Progressive Chess. Black plays one stone, White plays two stones (one after the other, with suicide being disallowed), Black plays thee stones, etc., with captures being resolved after each placement of a stone.
There was an Explosion Go tournament at the European Go Congress 2023 in Markkleeberg (Germany).
This variant was proposed by MrTenuki in April 2008. He also wrote " Komi should be either zero or be calculated based on the total number of stones played by each side, I guess."
Several new rules are proposed by MrTenuki:
1. One may not put a stone in atari and capture it in the same turn. For example, the following move (the two 's + ) is illegal:
(Black is free to play two of the three stones, though, just not all three of them in the same turn.)
Variant: In lieu of Rule #1, another possibility would be forcing the turn to end immediately after a stone is placed to put an opponent's group in atari (by analogy of Scottish progressive chess, even though atari is technically not check because rescuing stones in atari is optional).
2. If capturing one or more stones of your opponent would put at least one of your own stones into atari simultaneously, you may not save the stones that are now in atari during the same turn. For example, the following move ( + ), which fills a ko during the same turn of taking the ko, is illegal:
(One is free to play multiple threats, of course-- but remember that your opponent gets one extra move next turn.)
Likewise, snapbacks still work, as the following move ( + ) is illegal:
(White may play the first stone as a ko threat, though.)
3. Another important rule is that one is not required to play the maximum number of stones allowed for any move. In other words, a "partial" pass is permissible. For example, if you're allowed to play 10 stones this turn, you can actually play anything between 0 to 10 stones.
It seems to me that this would be a strange game, as life & death statuses might change, and almost no territory is secure (because one can always use 10 stones to create a living group in the center, and almost every cutting point can be cut). Here's a weird 5x5 example (obviously, the moves are not meant to be optimal):
= pass, = pass.
Final Score:
Black: 7
White: 2 + 1 prisoner = 3.
Black wins by 4 points.
(Notice how important it is to get tedomari in this game ;-)