

Modern Posture

In a chair

Sit up straight. Especially if you're sitting slouched in front of the computer. Just stop playing for a few moments and focus on correcting your posture.

This will cause the blood to renew its flow to your brain as your spine is properly adjusted.

  1. Sit up straight and deep in the seat. Feet should be flat on the floor or on a footrest;
  2. Keep lower arms level with the desk and wrists straight. (This helps to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.);
  3. Sit close enough to your keyboard to eliminate stretching, but far enough to avoid leaning. Your shoulders should be back and your head should be directly over your shoulders;
  4. Tap the keyboard lightly; don't pound;
  5. Place your mouse within easy reach of your dominant hand. Hold the mouse loosely;
  6. Place the monitor at eye level, 16 to 24 inches away;
  7. Take short stretch breaks every 20 minutes;
  8. Exercise eyes frequently. Look away and focus on distant objects; and
  9. Periodically look up at the ceiling to give your posture muscles a break.

Traditional Posture

On the floor


  1. Kneel on the floor with your knees about three fists apart.
  2. Sit so that your bottom touches, but does not rest on, your heels. (Your thigh muscles have to do a little work here.)
  3. Place your palms on your thighs, right near your pelvis.
  4. Sit up straight, so that there is a slight concave curve in your lower back.
  5. Push your sternum out slightly.
  6. Tuck your chin in a little.

Author: Jared

Posture last edited by ArnoHollosi on November 12, 2005 - 15:21
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