Kurnik (PlayOK is English alias, but both adress goes to same site) is a Polish server for many (40+ for English) kinds of games, like Ludoteka or Yahoo! Games. Support for English (and many other languages) is provided.
In Go, there are usually about 200-300 players online of mixed but typically lower ranks:
Polish address:
English address:
The server previously offered ladders and regular tournaments, but these features were removed.
Some differences from most servers to be aware of:
- The scoring process can be difficult, captured regions are not highlighted so players need to double check that all dead stones are marked correctly.
- Colors are not random; the player who set up the room chooses the color he likes. There are many Black-only players.
- There's no mapping from Elo ratings back to Kyu/Dan ranks so it can be difficult to understand the relative strengths of other players.
- AGARules is used. If opponent disagree with dead groups, if no move is made, then scoring system assumes that all not removed stones are alive.
- Only Canadian timing is offered, with a fixed 25 moves per period. For example, "15+5" means "15 minutes plus 5 minutes per 25 moves". The period time is misleadingly labeled as byo-yomi.
- Impossible to set up handicap games. (You may use passes to allow Black to play successive moves at the start if agreed in advance)