MoGo vs Steenvreter
MoGo (white) against Steenvreter at ICGA 2007 tournament.
Sylvain Gelly (MoGo author) gives MoGo mainline at and
Estimation 81%. is odd.
Magnus Persson (Viking author): "Normally making an eye is good in the semeai, and in random playouts it is a winning move in this position. But here it gives black time to win the semeai against the stones which are not protected by the eye."
Persson initially believed that the sequence to is a disaster for Mogo playing white. But:
"I don't quite see why this position is lost for white. What is the refutation for White A5?" Magnus: There is no refutation - I have a blind spot for this move... This is a reason I think these programs will be hard to beat on 9x9 soon for me at least. I overlook too many weird moves that works well.
connects at
. The line is given by Seo Sanghyeon