Middle Tennessee Go Club
The Middle Tennessee Go Club is based in the Nashville, Tennessee area and we currently have two meetings (as of December 30, 2017):
Saturday: noon - 4pm (approximately) at Fulin's Asian Cuisine, 782 Old Hickory Blvd #115, Brentwood, TN
Sunday: 5pm - 9pm (approximately) also at Fulin's.
Please check website for potential week-to-week changes and latest updates: http://midtngoclub.wordpress.com
Our club is very informal, we just play go (every so often other games) and have a good time. There are no entry fees and we provide the equipment, although you are free to bring your own set if you want. Our skill range at both meetings range from beginner to AGA 5d, although you're more likely to find new players at our Saturday meetings. New players should not be intimidated we are willing to teach, no matter what level you are. Currently our average attendance per meeting is 4-6 people.
Check our website for contact information.