Latin Go Proverbs
Of course, we all agree that there are too few languages in the Go-world. Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, some english...
It seems obvious that the discerning Go-player will need to expand into the classic languages for full effect in the coffee-shop. No doubt it will also help the appeal of Go to the 'masses'.
'Real' Latin Proverbs which relate to Go
- Divide et impera
- Divide and rule
- Oculum pro oculo
- An Eye for an eye
- Mors tua, vita mea
- Your death, my life
- Qui totum vult totum perdit
- Who wants everything loses everything
- Festina lente
- Hurry up slowly
'Traditional' Latin proverbs with a Go twist
- Calculus iactus est
- The stone has been cast
- Fons vitae oculi
- Eyes are the fountain of life
Sounds posh? Go proverbs (badly) translated...
- Sex morientur, octo vivunt
- Six will die, eight live
- Semper instantia ante magna
- Always urgent (moves) before big (moves) [2]
Few of my favourites. JH?
- Triangulum vacuum malum
- Empty triangle is bad
- Novicii atarium faciunt
- Beginners play atari
- Si scalas nescis, ludere noli
- If you don't know the ladder, don't play
- confer te ad amicitias ludendo
- Meet friends playing go
- Antequam pulseris, facito pugnum
- Make a fist before striking
- Vir pecuniosus rixari non debet
- A rich man shouldn't pick quarrels
Even rubbish sayings sound better in Latin...
- Alveum carpere et in murum iacere simulac adversarium
- Throwing the Goban at the wall whilst also hitting your opponent (to uppercut : "superlacare"?) [3]
- Ludimus ergo sumus
- We play therefore we are
Anyone with a better grasp of Latin - feel free to correct/complete
[1] I corrected these a bit according to my taste. Jokke Hasa?