Kyu Exercise 91 / Solution

Sub-page of KyuExercise91

Once the reader noticed that starting at a is wrong, B1 here would be fairly obvious. Or perhaps the reader found B1 first.


If W2, then B3 captures a White stone and thus the whole group.


If W2 captures the B1 stone, then B3 is an atari, forcing W4, and B5 destroys the other eye.

Actually, B3 at B5 works too. Then White B3, and Black a. Just a bit more complicated.


W2 here would be similar. B3 transposes the position to one variation of the standard flying saucer shape.

Here, B3 at B7 kills just as well. Then if White at B3, Black has a choice of a or W4.


As mentioned at the beginning, the hane at W1 is a mistake. With W2 occupying the same point as the first move of the solution, W3 onwards became ineffective. After W8, the three Black stones is caught in a connect-and-die: if Black a connects, then White b captures everything.

Note that W2 at W4 allows Black to kill by playing at W2, so W2 is the only move.


Blocking at B1 is too weak. W2 lives.

Kyu Exercise 91 / Solution last edited by Unkx80 on October 11, 2008 - 21:40
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