JoelR: White looks dead to me. I think the best effort is to start a ko with . White has no threats at a, b, or , because it takes all three of them to live. So she must make a threat elsewhere.
, ko threat and response, @
unkx80: What about at b?
JoelR: Good point. should be at b. Then if White captures, at above, and we're in my variation 1, while if White blocks, we eventually wind up in variation 2. Shall I edit my diagrams, or start anew?
unkx80: There is no need to, I will create the solution page later. (I prefer to present the solution without all the ko fights, it makes my head spin.)
If captures at , at and we're back to variation 1.
So makes an eye, and then @ , , threat and response, @ . After we're in temporary seki, until Black kills the group on the right.