Kyu Exercise 35 / Attempts

Sub-page of KyuExercise35

JoelR: White looks dead to me. I think the best effort is to start a ko with W1. White has no threats at a, b, or B6, because it takes all three of them to live. So she must make a threat elsewhere.


W3,B4 ko threat and response, W5 @ W1

unkx80: What about W7 at b?

JoelR: Good point. B6 should be at b. Then if White captures, B8 at B6 above, and we're in my variation 1, while if White blocks, we eventually wind up in variation 2. Shall I edit my diagrams, or start anew?

unkx80: There is no need to, I will create the solution page later. (I prefer to present the solution without all the ko fights, it makes my head spin.)

Variation 1: White captures  
Variation 2: White connects  

W3,B4 ko threat and response, W5 @ white+circle, B8 @ B2.

W9,B10 ko threat and response.

Variation 2, ctd  

If W3 captures at B8, B4 at W3 and we're back to variation 1.

So W3 makes an eye, and then B4 @ black+circle, W5,B6 threat and response, W7 @ W1. After B10 we're in temporary seki, until Black kills the group on the right.

Failure at Black 6  

If B6 connects, then he must fight the ko to live. Even though he has an eye, White's outside liberties are too much.

Kyu Exercise 35 / Attempts last edited by on December 23, 2004 - 09:07
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