
Sub-page of KyuExercise133

My attempt:


Without liberty a, 9 at b kill black, with liberty a, 10 at c save black.


illluck I'm probably missing something obvious, but does "a" actually matter?

2 seems to be only possible defense because all others give either dead shape in corner or connection, but then white can descend at 3 and get eye vs. no eye. Black seems behind by a liberty even with a?


Another resistance, but again short a liberty?


OP what about playing at 6 instead ? 7 at c allows a snapback.


illluck Ah, right! So I guess with the liberty at a it's a ko for seki?

Just a side note, 2 in first diagram should be at 5 (otherwise 3 at 5 will kill). 8 should be at b, otherwise there's a ko even with liberty at a.

KyuExercise133/Attempts last edited by Illluck on May 7, 2012 - 16:08
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