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Never have I found such a worthy pursuit. Hi! My name is Josh and I live in Westerly, Rhode Island. I discovered go in September 2002 but didn't start playing seriously until February 2003. Ever since then I have dedicated my soul to this game, quite literally. Just like every other hardcore Go player, I wish I could dedicate all of my time to it. I don't just love Go because of what it is. The people you meet playing Go are fascinating.

My life long goal is to reach 6 dan on KGS. My friends tell me that when I am an old man, each time I place a go stone on the board there will be an explosion. I don't want to let them down!

I am always looking for friends who play Go. It is, like so very few (but existant!) things in the world, a measure of a man or woman.

Some current things that I am researching in my spare time are...


B plays the 2-2 opening and W approaches with a shoulder hit.

favorite trick play  

Also, breakfast 1p's favorite trick play...a 3-4 joseki gone wild.

Koosh last edited by on September 7, 2005 - 20:54
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