Perl script to rename sgf files.
For example the sgf file a.sgf containing
(;DT[2016-12-29 19:01:34]KM[6.5]PB[NN]PC[Tygem]PW[Magist]RE[W+R]...
would be renamed 2016-12-29 19:01:34~NN~Magist.sgf by the command
perl -j ~ a.sgf DT PB PW
unless ~ is expanded as your home directory path, in which case its
perl -j '~' a.sgf DT PB PW
One issue is that the sgf tag format for date is "YYYY-MM-DD", which does not distinguish games played at different times on the same day. However some servers put the hours, minutes and seconds in there too.
use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use Getopt::Std; start(); sub start { my %opts; getopts('rj:', \%opts); if (@ARGV) { my $filename = shift @ARGV; my @files; if (-d $filename) { # oops $filename as a variable name is obsolete @files = $opts{r} ? reclistfolder($filename) : listfolder($filename); } else { push @files, $filename; } my @tags = @ARGV; if (@tags) { my $joiner = exists $opts{j} ? $opts{j} : message(0); renamefile($_, $joiner, process_sgf($_, {}, @tags), @tags) for @files; } else { print message(1); } } else { print message(2); } } sub process_sgf { my ($in, $taginfo, @tags) = @_; my $sgf = readfile($in); $sgf =~ s/\R//g; map { $taginfo->{$_} = gettag($sgf, $_, $in) } grep { !/^WN$/ } @tags; for (@tags) { if (/^WN$/) { my $data = gettag($sgf, 'RE', $in); if ($data eq '0') { # a drawn result $taginfo->{WN} = message(3); } else { addwinner($_, $taginfo, $data, $in) for 'B', 'W'; gracefulexit(4, $in) unless exists $taginfo->{WN}; } } } return $taginfo; } sub renamefile { my ($file, $joiner, $taginfo, @tags) = @_; my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr/\..*/); # $name is not used my $newname = join '', $path, join($joiner, map { $taginfo->{$_} } @tags), $suffix; if (-e $newname && $newname ne $file) { print message(5, $file, $newname); } else { print message(6, $file, $newname) unless rename $file, $newname; } } sub addwinner { my ($tag, $taginfo, $data, $in) = @_; if ($data =~ /$tag\+/) { if (exists $taginfo->{"P$tag"}) { $taginfo->{WN} = $taginfo->{"P$tag"}; } else { gracefulexit(7, "P$tag", $in); } } } sub readfile { my $filename = shift; my $string = do { local $/; open my $fh, '<', $filename or gracefulexit(8, $filename); <$fh>; }; return $string; } sub gettag { my ($sgf, $tag, $in) = @_; if ($sgf =~ /$tag\[(.*?)(?<!\\)]/) { # skip escaped closing bracket return $1; } else { return 19 if $tag eq 'SZ'; } gracefulexit(7, $tag, $in); } sub reclistfolder { my @files; find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d || /^\./ }, shift ); return @files; } sub listfolder { my $dir = shift; opendir(DIR, $dir) or gracefulexit(9, $!); my @files = map { "$dir/$_" } grep { !/^\./ # does not begin with a full stop && -f "$dir/$_" # and is a file } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); return @files; } sub gracefulexit { print message(@_); exit; } sub message { my $messagenumber = shift; return sprintf messagelist()->[$messagenumber], @_; } sub messagelist { [ ':', # 0 "please supply at least one tag\n", "usage : perl [OPTIONS] [filename or foldername] [tags]\nOPTIONS : \n-r = recursively rename\n-j String = use String to separate tag values in filename\n\n[tags] is a list of sgf tags separated by spaces, plus the optional WN for winner\ne.g. perl -r -j ' ' thisfolderandallitssubfolders WN PB PW\n", 'draw', "tag RE in unexpected format in %s\n", "could not rename %s - %s already exists\n", # 5 "could not rename %s to %s\n", "missing tag %s in %s\n", "cannot open file %s\n", "%s" ] }