InfiniTea Go Club
Keywords: Clubs & Places
- City: Dallas/Richardson, TX (USA)
- Location: The InfiniTea shop at the southwest corner of Coit Road and Campbell Road
- Address: 7632 Campbell Road #305; Dallas, TX 75248
- Day and Time: Wednesdays, 7pm to midnight
- Contact:
- Web: (long dead, see snapshot)
Not getting enough live Go at the Dallas Go Club?
Can't always make the Dallas Go Club meetings?
Then come join us for Go at InfiniTea!
This club is fairly new and very informal. Any experience level is welcome. Lessons are almost always available for new players. Bring your own equipment or use the sets at the club.
This club has fallen apart as of late due to problems with the owner of the business. The employees who held the club together quit, no gurantee anyone will show up, please visit the Dallas Go Club instead.