In the beginning / Errata

Sub-page of InTheBeginning

These errata refer to '7th printing April 2003'.

p10, last paragraph:
Wrong: Black 1 in Dia. 1 is in the right position to defend against White 'a', but has less influence over the upper side, which illustrates the basic difference between playing on the third and fourth lines.
Right: Black 1 in Dia. 2 is in the right position to defend against White 'a', but has less influence over the upper side, which illustrates the basic difference between playing on the third and fourth lines.
p20, Last sentence in the first paragraph of the section "Extending in front of a Shimari":
Wrong: An extension to the left on the upper side would be only an extension from , and would have less territorial potential.
Right: An extension to the left on the upper side would be only an extension from black+triangle, and would have less territorial potential.
p32, first line:
Wrong: A princer attack is a play ...
Right: A pincer attack is a play ...
p89, end of first paragraph:
Wrong: The 4-5 exchange has made his upper right corner very strong, and Black , which has been only loosely captured, remains as a sort of tender spot in the belly of White's territory.
Right: The 4-5 exchange has made his upper right corner very strong, and Black black+triangle, which has been only loosely captured, remains as a sort of tender spot in the belly of White's territory.
p107, first paragraph:
Wrong: Two separated, weak stones like 1 and have no business being on the board this early in the opening.
Right: Two separated, weak stones like 1 and black+triangle have no business being on the board this early in the opening.
p108, second sentence of the first paragraph:
Wrong: ..., taking advantage of the low position of White . Next, if White plays 4, ...
Right: ..., taking advantage of the low position of White white+triangle. Next, if White plays 4, ...
p128, last paragraph:
Wrong: Since Black has gotten well dug in in front of White's shimari with , White must think about defending his rear.
Right: Since Black has gotten well dug in in front of White's shimari with black+triangle, White must think about defending his rear.

Of these, only the missing black+triangle on page 20 has been fixed as of the 8th (2006) printing.

In the beginning / Errata last edited by TheBigH on April 2, 2014 - 07:39
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