Honibo 1986 title game 3 review with AI
This is the 3rd game in the Honinbo title match of 1986 between Takemiya Masaki (White) and Yamashiro Hiroshi
would be better at A says KataGo and it looks more like Takemiya's usual aggressive style. Now the White group in the lower right will have to take care of itself.
allows Black to play naturally on the right side. KataGo would therefore have played around A. makes central influence towards the top but unsurprisingly KataGo thinks Black is ahead now.
White's corner invasion is uncharacteristic.
White's response to is calm. Takemiya abandons the top left in exchange for strength. At I had expected White to continue on the left side. KataGo thinks both Black and White better go there now. takes advantage of the weakness in the shape and has 48 for backup.
When is the first to go to the lower left, Black takes the lead. and are less important than A says KataGo.
sets up a double threat. Either White will cut at W00 here or pressure at . Black chooses to move into WHite's sphere of influence.
Instead of , A here, looks crude and removes any potential to kill the top left but Black can next move out at and live with . This way he keeps the center in check.
KataGo thinks is an overplay. White can cut it off without too much penalty. From here onwards White's lead will remain at least 8 points.