Go Club La Tour De Peilz

    Keywords: Clubs & Places

Go Club La Tour-de-Peilz

Opened in 2006

We meet every friday evening from 7p.m. to 9p.m. (or later). Feel free to visit us !

Nous nous retrouvons tous les vendredis soirs de 19h à 21h (voir plus tard). Soyez les bienvenus !

Website : [ext] https://go-clubs.ch/

Where to find us / Où nous trouver :
Au Chateau
1814 La Tour-de-Peilz
[ext] Map / Carte

Contact :
[email] Rick Wertenbroek

News / Nouvelles :

No News for the moment

Random Information :

The La Tour-de-Peilz Go Club actually has around 8 regular members meeting every friday (sometimes we're more).
Feel free to visit the club everyone is welcome !

We play inside castle on the boarder of a lake with kaya go boards and slate&shell stones, what more could you ask for ?

Keywords :

Montreux Vevey Suisse Switzerland Vaud Club de Go


Go Club La Tour De Peilz last edited by rwk on June 10, 2024 - 22:40
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