Go Bundesliga

    Keywords: Tournament

The German Federal Go League (German: "Go-Bundesliga") is an annual nationwide Internet League in Germany organized by the German Go Federation (DGoB) starting with the 2004-2005 season.

The league consists of five levels whereas the third and fourth level have two divisions (since 2010). In levels one and two are ten teams each; in level three and four there are ten teams per division. The fifth level can have more or less than ten teams. Level one to four play round robin; level five plays swiss (nine rounds) if there are more than ten teams.

League games are played as team matches with four boards. Games are usually played at second thursday each month from october till june on KGS (8 p.m. CET/CEST). Settings are: Japanese rules with 7 komi, 60 min each + Canadian byoyomi of 5 min for 15 moves.

Development of the Go Bundesliga
Season Teams Levels/Divions Winner First Level Notes
2004/2005 36 4 Karlsruhe (2 divisions at 2nd level with each 8 teams)
2005/2006 48 5 Hamburg-Hebsacker (level 5 had 8 teams)
2006/2007 59 6 Karlsruhe (2 divisions at the 5th level, division 5B had 9 teams)
2007/2008 68 7 Karlsruhe (3 divisions at the 5th level, divisions 5B and 5C had 9 teams)
2008/2009 72 6 Karlsruhe (2 divisions at the 4th level, level 5 had 22 teams)
2009/2010 76 6 Karlsruhe (2 divisions at the 4th level, level 5 had 26 teams)
2010/2011 88 7 Hamburg-Hebsacker (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 had 28 teams)
2011/2012 88 7 Hamburg-Hebsacker (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 had 28 teams)
2012/2013 83 7 Zebrapinguine Berlin (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 23 teams)
2013/2014 83 7 Zebrapinguine Berlin (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 23 teams)
2014/2015 78 7 HH-Pauli (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 18 teams)
2015/2016 82 7 Hamburg-Hebsacker (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 22 teams)
2016/2017 78 7 Igoist Berlin (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 18 teams)
2017/2018 76 7 Berliner Zebrapinguine 1 (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 16 teams)
2018/2019 73 7 ai-sensei Zebrapinguine Berlin (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 13 teams)
2019/2020 73 7 HH-Pauli (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 13 teams)
2020/2021 74 7 Karlsruhe (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 14 teams)
2021/2022 71 7 Darmstädter Elche (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 11 teams)
2022/2023 69 7 JIGS (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 9 teams)
2023/2024 69 7 N.N. (2 divisions at the 3rd and 4th level, level 5 has 9 teams)

Go Bundesliga last edited by 2001:09e8:e004:8000 on March 28, 2024 - 18:22
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