Go Apparel / Discussion

Sub-page of GoApparel

The discussion copied here took place between 2005 and 2008.

uchiha: 1. for one, i was wondering if there was a online t-shirt making shop better than cafepress...

Everybody seems to use cafepress - I really can't believe there isn't a better player in the market though.

Phelan:I think everybody uses cafepress because it is easy to set up...I also would like to see Go apparel being sold on other shops, since I can't easily buy something from cafepress, due to the high prices and expensive postage to the EU.

ricefield: well, its easy to use, but i find its lack of features very frustrating.. + i dont want to have to pay for a premium shop.. but i guess its good enough for the average user.. unfortunately, i couldnt use some of my better ideas bc of the limitations... =[

tealeaf: ext SpreadShirt? has a nice interface and vector-based designs (limited to three for the free shops) flock-printed that apparently come out well. I haven't actually seen the t-shirts yet, but I've heard good reports. They print both in the EU and the US, I think. You can select a location at the top of the main page.

Phelan: Thanks, Tea of the leaf (heheh). Finally a store with decent postage. Hopefully there will be more designs. :)

tealeaf: Thanks Phelan. :o) I've just uploaded some more products and I have more on the way! The more I sell the more I can upload. I'm not putting any commission on the shirts as I'm not doing it for profit, so they're as cheap as they can be!

compai: I've been wanting a go tie for a while now. My brother in law has to wear shirt and tie to work so this would be the perfect gift - when dressing up the tie is the best way to proclaim your individuality.

Phelan: I saw a Go tie at the WMSG, worn by one of the spanish players. He said he got it in japan. It was a black background, with a lot of board images superimposed. Pretty stylish, and definitely distinctive.

Go Apparel / Discussion last edited by bugcat on October 11, 2021 - 20:16
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