Fugo is a drawless Go-like game for two players: Black and White. It's played on the intersections (points) of an initially empty square board. Each player must have access to a sufficient number of stones of their own color.
Luis Bolaņos Mures designed Fugo in November, 2017.
A group is a maximal set of orthogonally contiguous, like-colored stones.
A liberty is an empty point orthogonally adjacent to a group.
A smothered group is a group without liberties.
Black plays first, then turns alternate. At the start of your turn, you will face one of these situations:
- There are no smothered friendly groups. In this case, you must place a stone of your color on an empty point. Your placement may not increase the number of smothered friendly groups unless it also increases the number of smothered enemy groups.
- There are one or more smothered friendly groups. In this case, you must move one stone from one of those groups to an empty point such that, after the move, the group that now includes the moved stone has at least one liberty. You may only move a stone from a point where it's orthogonally adjacent to one or more enemy stones.
If you have no moves available on your turn, you lose.
Pie rule
The pie rule is used in order to make the game fair. This means that White will have the option, on their first turn only, to change sides instead of making a regular move.