PageType: HomePage
I was first introduced to go around five years ago, really began to understand the rules and some strategy two years ago, and have been playing extremely casually since.
The extent of my studying/training would be games with beginners and reading random pages here that catch my eye. I haven't studied any joseki (that proverb about losing two stones' strength has me scared) or fuseki.
No idea what my rank is. I mostly play only with my father (more of a beginner than I am) or my computer. Suppose I should start playing on a server that ranks you to find out where I am.
Things I need to work on:
- invading successfully
- defending against invasions
- not forgetting about opponent's dead stones
- knowing when something is worth fighting for
Other random info:
- going to college in Ohio, studying Chinese (I'll be in Beijing for most of the summer)
- Slackware user
- extremely accustomed to MediaWiki, so this CamelCase? stuff freaks me out
Contact info:
- email: alxndr (@t) gmail (d.t) com
- Jabber: alxndr@jabber.org