Pandanet Go European Team Championship

    Keywords: Tournament, Online Go

The Pandanet Go European Team Championship is a league format competition which played on IGS which replaces the old European Team Championship. The first edition of the Pandanet format was held from 2010 to 2011, starting in November 2010. 30 countries participated. This tournament was arguably the strongest ever played amongst European players.

The tournament is played over nine rounds. Each European country can delegate one team consisting of up to 12 players, but only four players play in one match. Each match consists of four games (boards 1-4) which are ideally played simultaneously on the online go server IGS.

Table of contents


While there was much coverage on SL for the first 2010-2011 season, the official website has much improved now, so please consult [ext], the official page (includes rules, list of players, etc.)

Teams 2012-2013

League A: [ext] Czech Rep., [ext] France, [ext] Germany, [ext] Hungary, [ext] Israel, [ext] Romania, [ext] Russia, [ext] Serbia, [ext] Sweden, [ext] Ukraine

League B: [ext] Austria, [ext] Belgium, [ext] Denmark, [ext] Finland, [ext] Italy, [ext] Norway, [ext] Netherlands, [ext] Poland, [ext] Switzerland, [ext] United Kingdom

League C: [ext] Bulgaria, [ext] Croatia, [ext] Cyprus, [ext] Ireland, [ext] Kazhakstan, [ext] Portugal, [ext] Slovakia, [ext] Slovenia, [ext] Spain, [ext] Turkey,

Results & Schedule


Past results

Pandanet Go European Team Championship

Since 2010/11 the European Team Championship has become the Pandanet Go European Team Championship with several online leagues throughout the year, with the top four teams from league A playing for the title over the board at the European Go Congress.

Edition Year Winning Team Number of Participating Teams
10 2019/20 France 37
9 2018/19 France 37
8 2017/18 Russia 37
7 2016/17 Russia 36
6 2015/16 Ukraine 34
5 2014/15 France 34
4 2013/14 Russia 32
3 2012/13 Czechia 30
2 2011/12 Russia 31
1 2010/11 Russia 30

pre-Pandanet European Team Championship

Edition Year City Country Winning Team Number of Participating Teams
13 2010 Leksand Sweden The Netherlands 6
12 2009 Pitesti Romenia Romania 25
11 2008 Cannes France France 10
10 2007 Leipzig Germany Germany 8
9 2006 Bratislave Slovakia Romania 8
8 2005 Saint Petersburg Russia Russia 10
7 2001 Moscow Russia Russia 8
6 1999 Belgrado Yugoslavia Russia 10
5 1996 Zlin Czech Republic Russia 12

Pandanet Go European Team Championship last edited by Uberdude on September 4, 2020 - 17:43
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