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My name is Nathan Dudis. I live in the greater Dayton Area of Ohio and teach Go to anyone and everyone i can. I am currently 2 Dan and am studying to become a 3dan by either this year or next year.

I teach Go as much as possible and pick up students all the time. You can usually find me on KGS in the beginners room and Teaching ladder.

I first came to Go, or rather, Go first came to me in Highschool. A friend showed me Go and i became interested in it but forgot about it until a few years later in 2008, when i quickly became enthralled with this newfound strategy game which shattered my world of gaming forever. I couldnt stop thinking about Go. I ate, and thought about Tesuji. i slept, and dreamed of Joseki. I replayed games in my mind while taking tests and while working. i was an addict. Over the course of 2 years, i have risen from 30k to 2D and have done so by mostly teaching other players. I rarely play even games anymore, but enjoy a nice relaxing game with a cup of hot tea or miso Soup. mmmmm. So, if you ever want a teaching game or just a nice relaxing game where you want to test your skills (or test mine), look me up and message me on KGS. Id be more than happy to oblige! Elmarias 2D

Elmarias last edited by on June 16, 2011 - 03:31
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