I'll work on making it a bit prettier soon...
GoJaC: I took the liberty of fleshing out the table a little bit (pool 2 specifically, just made blanks for pool 1, and hope I made no typos).
Degan: I think this will work better if we fill out both sides of the diagonal and keep the vertical in acending order, though this will be some work to move everything around. Someone with the skills could take the main page tables and run a perl (or similar) script to reformat to become referenced links like these, where we could display "Win" or "Loss" after the outcome has been determined.
Walin: Filled out the pools. Didn't bother with Win/Loss though.
xedover: Filled out the current win/loss.
Pool 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 autum.X.
.1. 2 Bildstein
.1. 3 giscanu
.1. 4 hammarbach
.1. 5 hatt
.1. 6 hotcoffee
.1. 7 Malweth
.1. 8 Mef
.-. 9 sduff
.1. 10 seiei
.-. 11 SirLyric
.1. 12 smach
... 13 squelettor
.1. 14 steveng
.1. 15 Tjalveboy
Pool 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Androxylo.X.
.1. 2 axd
.0. 3 Degan
.1. 4 dmwit
... 5 ginrik
.0. 6 GoJaC
.1. 7 Hikaru79
.1. 8 jbrod
.0. 9 jonathan
.1. 10 jtimmes
.0. 11 Phelan
.0. 12 snorer
.1. 13 trafalmadorian
.1. 14 Walin