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DMXdawg !!!

DMXdawg is a 16 year old player hailing from Texas. Due to his style, he has trouble with certain weaker players (2-3 stones weaker, and he can't beat them)? but he can also beat stronger players on an equal footing. Why is this, do you ask?

His playing style. Watching his games is a lot of fun.

Cubyrop: Here's the more stylish version:

DMXdawg is a mid-kyu player on KGS who has garnered a fair amount of attention for his occasionally vicious play, and for his extended winning streaks (sometimes in the 20's).

Currently 9k, he is nevertheless considered a dangerous and underrated player, and attracts an unusual number of spectators for a player of his modest rank.

naruto3: this is the best yet DMXdawg has a quite interresting go style and is an exceptional player but does not even compare in style or coolness to naruto3

Currently 9 kyu naruto make funny jokes about this so called idiot DMXdawg!!!!! lol

Tommell I have to add he is now a 2 kyu and former 1 kyu..

movado I want to be like DMXdawg!

DMXdawg last edited by Movado on March 31, 2005 - 08:13
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