Cloud 122

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Been playin Go for about 2 years.

Looking for a mentor as i am stuck with no improvement =(

I will also like to help out anyone who wants a teacher.

KGS id Cloud122

Estimated rank KGS 6-7k

Alex Weldon: What time zone are you in, and when are you usually on KGS? I'm GMT -5 and am usually on in the early afternoon and late night, my time (so mid-evening and very late night/very early morning GMT). I'm 2d from Canada, and I teach a lot of lessons as Xopods (I also have another account, Spodox, for rated games). I'm not willing to mentor one person to the exclusion of others, but I usually give lessons whenever someone asks, so look for me and drop me a line whenever you want a lesson. If I'm not busy, I'll be glad to help.

Liberson Hi, you message me that you can help me as my teacher ^_^. when can we start ?

EpicNaruto (16k): Hello, i would like to find a mentor and i think you would be a perfect teacher for me. I have been searching for a teacher since i started, and I have been obviously unsuccessful. My account on IGS and KGS is EpicNaruto. Email if you are interested, Thanks so much. If you know of anyone else who's looking for a dedicated student, please let me know or tell them about me. Thank you again.

Cloud 122 last edited by EpicNaruto on August 10, 2007 - 22:50
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