Cheating Go
Cheating Go
Cheating Go is normally played as a variant to (normal) Go, however it could be played as a variant to any rules variation.
The additional rules are:
1. At any time a player may attempt to cheat and or accuse their opponent of cheating (in a specific way).
2. A player must be honest about whether they cheated (in the way they are accused of).
3. If an 'accuse' is successful, the board is returned to the position before the cheat, and the cheater forfeits their move. Similarly, if an accuse is not successful, the accuser forfeits their turn.
4. Cheats must be discovered on the opponents next move (or before).
Basic Cheats.
Moving stones, removing stones, playing more than one stone.
More advanced Cheats.
Tampering with the clock, taking a ko out of turn, painting the stones a different colour.