
PageType: HomePage     Keywords: Clubs & Places

Hi! My name is Anton Ninno. I learned to play Go at Syracuse University Go Club as a student there in the early 1970's, and I've been playing Go off and on ever since.

I like to play at our weekly club meetings, but I don't play in tournaments. Based on my experience with rated players at the Syracuse Go club, I estimate my rating at 10-kyu. My interest in the game has always been more about the history and cultural aspects of Go, and I am facinated by the equipment. Mostly, I enjoy the company of other Go players.

I also enjoy promoting Go and teaching beginners. After many years as a member of the Syracuse University Go Club, I started the Syracuse Go Club. Off-campus Go players needed a club that was more convenient for people who aren't S.U. students or faculty, and who can't park on campus.

The Syracuse Go Club (originally CNY Go Club) has been meeting weekly since December 2, 2002. About a dozen people come to our meetings, sometimes a lot more. Our biggest meeting drew 28 players, including children and parents. We keep a record of everyone who visits the club, and our attendance list now has well over 150 names. Many of them are beginners who only came once or twice, but our core group of Go players is growing steadily.

The regular players, those who come at least monthly, number about 25-30. We meet in the back of the Market Cafe at the Wegmans grocery store on Rt. 5 in Dewitt, the eastern suburb of Syracuse. We've had articles and photos of the club appear in the Post Standard newspaper and some weekly community papers.

Wegmans is a lovely spot to play Go. The Market Cafe dining area has tables and chairs to accomodate about 200 people, and a wide selection of food that includes a sushi bar and a Chinese buffet. The store has a huge parking and it's open 24/7. There is no charge for us to meet there, so we encourage players to buy food and beverages during our meetings. We like to think the store management knows we are all good customers!

The Syracuse Go Club is a chapter of the American Go Association. We charge a $10 annual "donation" for membership, but we have no elected officers. Several members do all the organizing work. We enjoy helping out, and like the idea that we are able to run the club with a minimum of bureacracy. Richard Moseson is now club contact person and AGA chapter representative. He maintains the Facebook page and Yahoo Group. Click the link below and have a look. The homepage is updated with club news every week.

Syracuse Go Club - Syracuse, NY [ext]

anton last edited by on June 2, 2017 - 15:36
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