
    Keywords: Variant

Action Go works a bit like HumanGo, but it has completely different rules.

When playing on a 9x9 grid, for example, two teams of 30 people each, wearing hats in their color, plan their strategy without being overheard by the other team and place themselves around the board. When the referee gives the signal, everyone may enter the board at once and go to any position. The "stones" may push each other around a bit, but since it is still Go, no force shall be used.

After 1 minute, the referee gives another signal, and everyone must stand still at once. Whoever is next to an intersection may stay there, other must retreat to the nearest unoccupied one. Then, the referee counts the score and announces the winner.

Solnox?: I do not understand the principle of "pushing is allowed but no force shall be used". How do you make it so that it doesn't become a giant melee? I mean especially if two players want to stand on the same spot

ActionGo last edited by Solnox on September 14, 2015 - 14:55
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