500 Go Problems
500 Go Problems
The game of Go is, occasionally, referred to as a sitting martial art. This series of books is dedicated to kyu ranked players and uses the following colors to represent belt colors often used in martial arts rating systems: white (beginner), yellow, orange, green, blue and then brown.
Each color represents a level or ranking, reflecting the player’s level of development and understanding of Go.
Like all books of this series it can be used as a classroom tutorial, as an after-school exercise, or as a test for self-learners who would like to improve their skills.
- Vol. 1: Base Level White
- Vol. 2: Are you ready for Yellow?
- Vol. 3: Are you ready for Orange?
- Vol. 4: Are you ready for Green?
- Vol. 5: Are you ready for Blue?
- Vol. 6: Are you ready for Brown?
Available in German, English.