3553 Enclosure

    Keywords: Joseki
3553 enclosure  

This is an interesting enclosure which can easily fool even many lower dans. It has been played in top professional games but it should be reserved for special cases. If white invades then black gets good influence but gives white a large corner. a is the point of invasion and b may be played to perfect the corner.

[1] Invasion

3553 enclosure invasion  

The first part of the joseki should come naturally to anyone.

3553 enclosure invasion (joseki)  

White gets a large corner and black still has weak points at a and b. This enclosure should only be used in special cases. (Or when you think you can trick your opponent)

3553 enclosure invasion (wrong)  

White is in trouble.

3553 Enclosure last edited by hnishy on July 26, 2024 - 04:36
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